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Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) scrutinizes the horoscope as per the ways and means mentioned in Atharva Veda. As a Swamiji he himself performs the rituals through the trained Punditjis as per the needs of the individual. By performing these rituals as per the Atharva Veda standards, one can have the best spiritual salvations of the problems. The following are the few examples of his services. The first is the relationship between a child and parents.

Atharva Veda Pithru Bhakthi Rituals.

This ritual is specially meant for the betterment of adamant kids. This Pooja is also beneficial for Self control, mental peace, destroy the evil forces, respect to the scholars and the elders. According to the epics, Lord Sri.Rama is known as the seventh incarnation of Lord Mahavishnu. Rama, the perfect avatar of the Supreme Protector Lord Mahavishnu, has always been popular among the Hindu deities. Rama is the symbol of courtesy and virtue, a man of values and morals. Lord Rama is the perfect man. Lord Rama is considered to have taken birth on the earth to destroy the evil forces of the age.

Sri Rama was a paragon of virtues. Sri Rama was not only kind and affectionate but generous and considerate of feelings for all around him. Sri Rama had a marvelous physique and captivating manners. Sri Rama had a magnanimous personality. He was extremely noble, generous, chivalrous and fearless. He was very simple and absolutely free from flamboyance. Sri Rama is considered as a son unequalled in the world, and resembled Dasaratha in each and every aspect of good qualities. He never spoke a lie throughout his life. He always offered respect to the scholars and the elders, people loved him and he adored the people. His body was transcendental and outstanding. He was eloquent, attractive and adjustable to circumstances. He knew the heart of each and every human being on the earth (being omniscient). He had all the conceivable qualities of a king's son and was dear to the people as their own hearts. Sri Rama was endowed with incredible transcendental qualities. The earth personified and adored him, as a possessor of such virtues, as an indomitable, as brave, and as the unequalled Lord of all. To put succinctly, Sri Rama's life was a life of holy compliance, of stainless purity, of matchless simplicity, praiseworthy contentment, commendable self-sacrifice and remarkable renunciation. That's why Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) prefers Sri Rama rituals for Self control, mental peace, destroy the evil forces and to show respect to the scholars and the elders. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

The next is for the development of business and to get rid of the Vaasthu Dosham.

Bhuvaneshwari Raksha Kavach After the detailed scrutiny of one's horoscope, Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) prefers some kind of Raksha Kavach according to the situations. The first Raksha Kavach is Bhuvaneshwari Raksha Kavach. This Kavach is called as Siddha Bhuvaneshwari Raksha Kavach. This is beneficial for Success in Real Estate, Property, and Vaasthu-Shanti. This Bhavaneshwari Raksha Kavach is energized by Bhavaneshwari Mahavidya Mantra. Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya is one of the 10 Mahavidyas. From wearing this Raksha Kavach we get profit in Real Estate and Property. The competitor of Real Estate or Property also keeps quiet. One should start wearing this Raksha Kavach from Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. The kavach is to be initiated and energized by Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar). Then only it will give more and more benefits. . To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

The next if for the good health.

Atharva Veda Dhanvantari Ritual.

This is the most beneficial for the spiritual healing of the physical, mental and psychological problems. The Dhanvantari ritual is performed to cure all kinds of diseases and illness. Those who are suffering from any disease get this ritual done for early recovery. According to the ancient text Caraka - Samhita, (a part of Atharva Veda) this "Science of Life and Longevity" is eternal and is revealed in each universe in each of its infinite cycles of creation and destruction. This healing science is generally revealed by great sages or demigods. Occasionally, the Supreme Lord Himself descends as the incarnation Dhanvantari and re-inaugurates the tradition of Ayurveda. By doing this ritual as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) one can get benefit of health, personality development, over come from disease. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org This ritual is to get spiritual healings for all kinds of sickness. Atharva Veda ukata Roga Nivarana Ritual. This ritual is beneficial for the spiritual healings of all kind of sickness, improve immune systems. According to Atharva Vedic scripture the ailments to this physical body are caused by three major elements. The first is called as Aadhi Aathmikam, the second is Aadhi Bowdhikam and the third is Aadhi Deivikam. Aadhi Aathmikam means the ailments caused due to the evil and deadly spirits. Aadhi Deivikam means the ailments caused by the divine powers. Aadhi Bowdhikam means the physical elements like fire, water, earth and wind. All these ailments are to be treated in two ways. The first way is medical and the second way is spiritual. The spiritual way will not work properly without the medical. The medicines nourish the physical body and destroy the fundamental reasons for the ailment. The rituals spiritually nourish the medicines and the physical body. These two work together and gives the perfect remedy for the quickest healing. The devotee should worship god Dhanvantari in Roga Nivarana Pooja as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar).When there is a long term sickness, this ritual is to be done along with the medical procedures. This ritual procedure helps to increase the immunity power. This ritual done by Thantric procedure is very effective although very simple. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

This ritual is also to get spiritual healings for all kinds of sickness.

Atharva Veda Mahamritunjaya Ritual

When somebody is constantly feeling ill, facing depression, accidents, enemies harming, there is just one option to get spiritual salvation for those. That is Atharva Veda Mahamritrunjaya Ritual. This Mahamitrunjaya Ritual is to be done by Thantric procedure as mentioned in the Shiva Rudra Thantra of Atharva Veda. This special ritual is to be performed as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar). Maha Mritunjaya ritual is dedicated to Lord Shiva to avoid untimely death and get rid of diseases. Mritunjaya is made out of two words i.e. Mrityu and jaya, Mrityu means Death and jaya means victory. The Mritunjaya ritual is performed to achieve Jaya or Victory over Mrityu or death. The object of worship for this ritual is Lord Shiva. One of the synonyms of Lord Shiva is Mrityunjaya. Mrityunjaya means death of the death or the destroyer of death. During this ritual the pundits will chants 125000 mantras for the betterment of the devotee. The prominent offerings in this ritual are durva grass and an herb called amrita. The former is famous for purifying blood and the latter is used as a medicine for incurable diseases like arbuda or cancer. Since these are used as offerings in this ritual, it is believed that this ritual bestows longevity on the performer. The hymns are devoted to Mrityu, the God of death, praying for long life. These hymns are used in the purnahuti or the final offering in the famous Soma sacrifice. This ritual also alleviates Mrityu Dosha or untimely death. The japas will be done by learned expert pundits and the ritual will continue for the stipulated time period as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar). To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

The next is Beneficial for family protections

Atharva Veda Narasimma Ritual

This is the best ritual for protection from enemies and for blessings of Lord Narasimma. Lord Narasimma is the fourth incarnation of Lord Mahavishnu. Lord Narasimha ("man-lion") is described as an incarnation (avatar) of Lord Mahavishnu within the Puranic texts of Hinduism who takes the form of half-man / half-lion, having a human torso and lower body, but with a lion-like face and claws. He is worshipped in deity form by a significant number of Vaishnava groups throughout India (especially in the South) and is primarily known as the 'Great Protector', being a form of Vishnu who specifically defends and protects his devotees in times of need. One should perform the rituals as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar). The devotee who does so will get the blessings of the Lord and get rid of the problems very surely. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

The next is to have spiritual salvations for the family problems.

Parivar Shanti Ritual

This very special Atharva Vedic Thantric ritual is done when there are various problems in the family like ego problems, lack of understandings. This Ritual is the only ritual to get a spiritual salvation for all the problems inside the house. This ritual is to be done in a Thantric way as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar). The procedure is very effective. As the mantras and the devathas for this ritual is mentioned as very secret, the mantra should be learnt only from a Guru. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

The next is to develop the understanding, love and affection between the husband and wife.

Ardhanarishwar Ritual

Today's life is all about fall and rise. Fall symbolizes tears while rise a cheer (ecstasy). Elation, laughter does not long last than a flash. So what's the panacea to break the shackles of materialistic surroundings (world)? What can protect the euphoria from festering? The more one falls, the more one rises, the more one gives up the more one seeps in the universal appeal. Becoming one with oneself brings bliss that lasts like the breath and goes with one like their overall good and bad deeds. Here is a supreme source of Faith and they call it Lord Ardhanarishwar. Ardhanarishwar, the name would sound ringing bells in your spirits. Ardhanarishwar (man and woman together in eternal divinity) is a manifestation of Lord Shiva and Shakti, creator of the whole universe. From this Ritual both the husband and wife will feel mental peace and understanding power. This Ardhanarishwar Ritual is to be started as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar). Both of the couples should take part in the rituals. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

The next is to get spiritual salvation to develop potentiality in male.

Atharva Veda Lord Kamdeva Ritual

This wonderful Thantric ritual is the most beneficial for giving spiritual healing for impotency, relationship, attraction power and all kind of sexual problems. According to Atharva Veda thantras, Lord Kamdeva is the only deity to solve all sexual problems and fulfill the desires of the devotee. Kamdeva Ritual is the only spiritual remedy for those who have sexual problems. Lord Kamdeva Ritual is very powerful to attract someone. Lord Kamdeva is known as the lord of love and attraction. This wonderful ritual is to be performed as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar). To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

The next is to get more wealth and peace in the family.

Atharva Veda Matha Ashta Lakshmi Ritual

This ritual is the best for wealth and family peace. According to the Atharva Veda scriptures,

Matha Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, is the most sought Goddess. Lakshmi is the ruler of the eight kinds of wealth. It is said that the household where she is not worshiped will never prosper. Her eight forms are Maha Lakshmi, Graha Lakshmi, Dhana Lakshmi, Vidya Lakshmi, Santana Lakshmi, Vijaya Lakshmi, Dhanya Lakshmi and Sowbhagya Lakshmi. Maha Lakshmi is the in charge for all kind of wealth and peace. Graha Lakshmi is the in charge for house hold wealth and land properties. Dhana Lakshmi is the main in charge for money and precious ornaments and among all the eight Laksmis, she is the most worshiped.

Vidya Lakshmi is worshiped for knowledge. Santana Lakshmi is worshiped for children.

Vijaya Lakshmi is worshiped for victory in undertakings & court cases. Dhanya Lakshmi is worshiped by the farming community. Sowbhagya Lakshmi is worshiped of marriage and happy married life.

Every person should perform this Ashta Lakshmi Ritual for his family as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar). The Ritual is to be performed during the evenings of either Thursday or Friday. The special Ritual is to be performed with the prescribed materials, 1008 Lakshmi Namavali and the special Atharva Veda Mantras are to be recited. There are some more specific Lakshmi Rituals are also done by the specially trained Atharva Vedic priests, as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar). To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

This ritual is to get spiritual relief from debts and poverty.

Atharva Veda Kanakadhara Mahalakshmi Ritual

Kanakadhara Mahalakshmi Ritual is the most beneficial for the relief from the debt, getting more and more wealth, to solve the business problems and to get family peace.

Matha Kanakadhara Mahalakshmi Ritual is one of the best Rituals to get the blessings of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi for Complete happiness and success in life. This Kanakadhara Mahalakshmi Ritual acts as Ram ban (the arrow of Lord Rama) and is a rare and most effective one. Kanakadhara Mahalakshmi Ritual is for gaining wealth. Sri Adhi Shankarayacharya has done this Kanakadhara Mahalakshmi Ritual. This Kanakadhara Mahalakshmi Ritual bestows Ashta Siddhi and Nava Nidhi. This Kanakadhara Mahalakshmi Ritual Yantra is kept in temples, Cash Box and Almirahs. It is very powerful Yantra to win unexpected wealth like gambling, horse racing, speculation etc. The mantras and Yantra for this Ritual are considered as the most secret and it is to be done only as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) and with the help of specially trained Atharva Veda Punditjis. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

This is the best ritual for wealth, prosperity and spirituality.

Atharva Veda Lakshmi Narayana Ritual

This Ritual is the most beneficial for wealth, prosperity and spirituality. Matha Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. The word ''Lakshmi'' is derived from the Sanskrit word Lakshmi, meaning "goal." Lakshmi, therefore, represents the goal of life, which includes worldly as well as spiritual prosperity. In Hindu mythology, Goddess Lakshmi, also called Sri, is the divine spouse of Lord Mahavishnu and the Goddess of wealth and fortune. Goddess Matha Lakshmi indicates prosperity. Worship of Lakshmi indicates an appreciation of prosperity and a sense of responsibility towards it. Depicted as an extremely beautiful woman, Lakshmi stands on a lotus. She has lotuses in various stages of bloom in her two hands. And even wears a lotus garland. Cascades of gold coins are seen flowing from her hands, suggesting that those who worship her gain wealth and all kind of materials. She always wears gold embroidered red clothes. Red symbolizes activity and the golden lining indicates prosperity. Matha Lakshmi is the active energy of Lord Mahavishnu, and also appears as Lakshmi-Narayana - Lakshmi accompanying Vishnu. Lakshmi Narayana Ritual is performed for prosperity, material abundance, and spiritual prosperity. To remove troubles that prevents us from starting a spiritual path or business. This ritual is also to be performed by guidance of learned Punditjis of Atharva Veda and as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar). If the rituals are performed in the exact manner there is no doubt that one will fulfill all the ambitions by the most gracious blessings of Lakshmi and Narayana. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

This ritual is the best for the development of business.

Atharva Veda Vyapar Vruddhi Ritual

Vyapar vruddhi Ritual is the most beneficial for those who are facing problems in their business, like too much competitions, negative influences, no business suits them properly, changes in business for worse and frequent changes in businesses. This Vyapar vruddhi Ritual is to be done by Thantric procedure as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar). As the mantras, thantras, yantras and devathas for this ritual are kept as very secret and sacred, one should learn those only through a proper Guru. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

The following ritual is for getting great knowledge and vast wisdom.

Atharva Veda Maha Vani Ritual

Maha Vani Ritual is the most beneficial for mental development, relaxation, education, art, success in study and speech power. Matha Vani Ritual is a celebration of knowledge, as Matha Vani is the Hindu goddess of wisdom, knowledge and learning. She is a mythological embodiment of arts, sciences and crafts, and she represents Shakti, or creativity and inspiration. Goddess Vani is offered prayers as the Goddess of Learning, the deity of Gayatri, the origin of all knowledge forms. Religious paintings depict each of these goddess alighted on a vehicle that symbolizes their special power. The white swan of Matha Vani signifies purity and righteousness, while Devi Vani is portrayed playing "Veena", an Indian string musical instrument. The most familiar facet is the attire of the goddesses Vani, which is white in color. Flowers and wild berries are offered to the deity and students rest their books on the feet of the deity. There are various ceremonies and rituals that are observed while worshipping goddess Vani. Any person those who take part in the rituals as per the divine instructions and initiations of Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) are sure to be a shining star by the blessings of Goddess Maha Vani. To know more and more about the special Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini and Ugra devathas and to have spiritual salvations to your problems Call Swamiji in USA @ Toll free 1-888-232-1818 or email to avtemple@aol.com Also visit the other pages of this wonderful website www.commanderselvam.org or www.hindutempleofgeorgia.org

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