Wonderful Mantras for comfortable, trouble free life.
According to Atharva Veda the following mantras are considered as the best for coming out of all the problems. It is a must to have the “deeksha” or “upadesam” from a Guru Maharaj before beginning of the mantra chanting. These mantras are most secret and sacred. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) initiates any of these mantras along with specialized yantras for the spiritual salvation of the problems. To know more and more about mantras and for the spiritual salvations of your problems contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-888-808-1418 or Hindu Temple of
Ohio or email to avtemple@aol.com
Sri Ganesha is the presiding deity of all the 330 million deities as per Atharva Veda. His moola mantra has to be chanted for at least 27 times a day with lotus, badratcha, or red sandalwood beads. He is worshipped for relief from different kinds of stress. By chanting the following moola mantra of Lord Ganesha one can easily remove the hurdles faced in the normal day to day life. The proper initiation of the mantras from Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) is a must for chanting the mantras.
(1) Sumukaaya Ganapathaye Namaha
(2) Ekadhanthaya Ganapthaye Namaha
(3) Kapilaaya Ganapathaye Namaha
(4) Gaja-karakaaya Ganapthaye Namaha
(5) Lambotharaaya Ganapathaye Namaha
(6) Vikataya Ganapathaye Namaha
(7) Vignaraja Ganapthaye Namaha
(8) Vinayaka Ganapathaye Namaha
(9) Dhoomakethu Ganapthaye Namaha
(10) Ghandhyaksha Ganapathaye Namaha
(11) Bala Chandra Ganapathaye Namaha
(12) Gajaananaaya Ganapathaye Namaha
(13) Vakradhantha Ganapthaye Namaha
(14) Soorpakarna Ganapathaye Namaha
(15) Heramba Ganapathaye Namaha
(16) Skanda Poorvajaaya Ganapathaye Namaha
The mantra of Lord Karthikeya.
This mantra is the best to have a great courage. This mantra is to be chanted 36times a day. It is to be done in the morning.
Om Sri Subramanyaya Karthikeyaya Skandhaya Namaha.
Another mantra of Lord Karthikeya
Om Balasubramanya, mahadevi putra swami vava swaahaa.
The procedures and the initiation should be taken from Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). By the blessings of Lord Karthikeya, one can get a great success in all the affairs of life.
Another mantra of Lord Karthikeya
This mantra is to be chanted by the kids daily.
Shataananam kumkuma raktha varnam
Mahamathim divya mayura vaahanam
Rudrasya soonum sura sainya natham
Guham sadaaham saranam prabhathye.
By chanting this mantra daily, the kids will have wonderful education.
To solve your problems spiritually, contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-888-808-1418 or Hindu Temple of
Ohio or email to avtemple@aol.com
The mantra to pray Navagrahas (nine planets)
Audityayacha Somaya Mangalaya Budhayacha
Guru Sukra Sanibyascha Raaghave Kethave namaha.
This mantra is to be chanted by every one in the mornings. By chanting this mantra one can have a trouble free life.
The mantra of Lord Shiva.
Om sreem sreem sreem Om nakaaraaya makaraaya sikaaraaya vakaraaya yakaraaya sivaaya namaha.
By chanting this mantra as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam), one can have a great mental peace and get the blessings of Lord Shiva.
Another mantra of Lord Shiva.
Om bhoothim bhoothim ananda vava swaahaa.
This mantra has wonderful powers. By chanting this mantra as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam), one can have the best relationships and a great success in all legal litigations.
Another mantra of Lord Shiva.
Om aam oom ing vang Namashivaaya
Reeng Om iyum kleem sowm king vaa vaa sarva chathru sankaaraa,
Sarva bootha pretha paisaasam pilli soonya yeval
Nasi nasi masi masi swaahaa.”
This mantra is the best mantra to get away from evil effects of the evil spirits and to get the blessings of Lord Shiva. The procedures and the initiation should be taken from Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). By chanting the mantra as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar one can get away from the evil effects of the evil spirits.
The mantra for Parakrama Bairava. (The incarnation of Lord Shiva)
Om iym hreem paraakrma bairavaaya namaha jwala jwala mahaaveera paraakramaaya namaha sathru naasanaaya hana hana daha daha paasaaya paasaaya Humpat swahaa.
This moola mantra to be chanted as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). This maha mantra relieves all kind of evil effects and to overcome the depressions.
The mantra for Lord Shiva and Goddess Parasakthi.
This mantra is called as Shiva sakthi mantra.
Om sambho Mahadevaya, sakthi swaroopaya Gauri nathaya Sadhasivaya namo namaha.
This mantra is to be chanted as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam).The unity and love between the husband and wife will become great.
To know more and more about initiation of mantras and to solve your problems spiritually, contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-888-808-1418 or Hindu Temple of
Ohio or email to avtemple@aol.com
The mantra of Goddess Parasakthi (to get success)
Swadehoth boothaayir grunibi ranaimaadhyaathi rayito
Nivesavye nithye twamahamithi sadha bhaavayathiya
Kimaascharyam tasya trinayana samruddhim thrunayato
Maha samvarthaagnir virachaythi neerajana vidhim.
By chanting this mantra one can have a great success in all the aspects, by the blessings of Goddess Parasakthi.This mantra is to be chanted as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam).
The mantra of Goddess Parasakthi (to get more and more wealth)
Smaram yonim laksmim tritayamita mathow tavamano
Nidahyaike nithye niravati mahayoga rasika
Bajanti twam chinthamani guna nibaddhaksha valaya
Vivagnow juhvanta surabhikrutha dharahuthi sataihi
This mantra is to be chanted as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) blesses the devotee with more and more wealth.
The mantra of Goddess Parasakthi (to get good education)
Savitreebir vaachaam sasimani sila panka ruchibihi
Vasinyadhyaayistwam sahajanathi sanchithayathiye
Sakartha kaavyaanaam bhavati mahataam yankiruchibir
Vachobir vakdevi vadhana kamala modha maduraihi
This mantra is to be chanted both by the parents and kids. The parents and kids should chant this mantra as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). This mantra blesses the kids with a vast knowledge and vast wisdom.
The mantra of Goddess Parsakthi (to get great success in business and for a great longevity of life)
Sivasakthi kaamaha othi ratha ravi paritha kiranaha
Smaro hamsa sakras thathanu cha paraamaara harayaha
Amee hrulekahaabis thisrubi ravasaaneshu katitha
Bhajanthe varnaasthe thava janani naamaavayathaam
This mantra is to be chanted as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). By chanting this mantra one can achieve a great success in the business and get a great longevity of life.
The mantra of Goddess Parasakthi (to get a great name and fame)
Shive srungaarardhra thatitha rajaney kuthsanaparaa
Saroshaa ganagaayaam garisanayaney vismayavathee
Haraadhibyo beetha sarasiruha saubaagya jananee
Sakishismeraa the mayi janani dhrushtisa karunaa
This mantra is to be chanted as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). By doing this one can have a great name and fame by the blessings of Goddess Parasakthi.
The mantra of Goddess Parasakthi (to get a great good luck)
Visaala kalyanee sputaruchi rayodhyaa kuvalayai
Krupaadhaaraa kimapi maduraa bhoga vathikaa
Avanthee drushtisthey pahinakara visthaara vijaya
Dhruvam thathan naamavyavaharana yogyaa vijayathey.
This mantra is very powerful to get a very great good luck and fortunes. This mantra is to be chanted as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). By the grace of Goddess Parasakthi one can get great good luck and fortunes.
The mantra of Goddess Parasakthi (to remove the evil drishti on children)
Samunmeelan samvith kamala magarandhaika rasikam
Bhajeham sadhvanthvam kimapi mahatharam maana sacharam
Yata laabhaath ashtaadhasa gunitha vidya parinathi
Yadhaathe dhoshaath gunamakila madhmyaha baya iva
This mantra is very powerful to remove the evil dhrishtis on the children. Even the active most children will become dull most due to the evil ness of the dhrishti. To remove that, this mantra is to be chanted by the parents as initiated and instructed by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). By the blessings of Goddess Parasakthi, the evil ness of the dhrishti will be removed.
Moola mantra for Panchaankuli Devatha,
Om karaaagre vasathe Lakshmi karamadhye Saraswathi karamoole thu Gowri syaath prabhaathey kara darsanam.
Everyday morning while getting up from the bed one has to see both the palms and chant this mantra. This mantra avoids bad luck and success in all walks of our life, great success in love, studies, business, job, child issues, and marriage. One can easily get the blessings of goddess Parvati Devi, Mahalaksmi and Sarswathi.
All the mantras are secret and sacred. To know more and more about initiation of mantras and to solve your problems spiritually, contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-888-808-1418
or Hindu Temple of Ohio or email to avtemple@aol.com
Moola mantra for Kalimata.
Om kreem kreem kreem hoom hoom hoom dhakshina
Kaalike kreem kreem kreem hoom hoom hoom hreem hreem hreem swahaa.
The above is the very powerful moola mantra for kali maatha. It helps to relieve all kinds of evil effects. The procedures and the initiation should be taken from Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). By having a continuous prayer and chanting, we could definitely overcome the evil effects. . All kinds of Black Magic could be controlled with the help of Kali Maatha.”
Moola mantra for Bagalamukhi Devi.
Bagalamukhi is another reincarnation of Goddess Parasakthi. She is also having a very fearsome pose as Kalimatha.
Om kleem bagalaamukhi sarva dhushtaanaam
Vaacham padham mukham sthambhaya jihvaam keelaya
Buddhim vinaasaya kleem Om swaahaa.
The above is the very powerful moola mantra to get away the enemies. Bagalamukhi is the army chief of Goddesses ‘Sri Lalitha Parameswari”. The procedures and the initiation should be taken from Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam)
Moola mantra for Swamyamvara Mohini.
Swayamvara Mohini is the wonderful Yakshini devatha. She blesses her unmarried devotees with a wonderful married life. If the married couples pray her, she blesses them with a wonderful family life.
Om hreem Yogini yogini yogeswari yoga bayankari sakala sthaavara jangamasya mukha hrudayam mama vasam aakrshya aakarshaya swaahaa.
The procedures and the initiation should be taken from Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). Then only the chanting should be started.
Maha Saraswathi Mantra (for education, knowledge and wisdom)
Om Kleem vadha vadha vaak vaadhinyai swaahaa.
Those who wish to have great knowledge, wisdom and education should chant this mantra. There is no age limit for chanting this mantra. Before starting the studies this mantra is to be chanted for 16 times. By the blessings of Goddess Maha Saraswathi, they will get education, knowledge and wisdom.
To know more and more about initiation of mantras and to solve your problems spiritually, contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-888-808-1418 or Hindu Temple of
Ohio or email to avtemple@aol.com
The mantra of the Yaksharaja Kubera.
Om yakshaaya kuberaaya vysravanaya; dhana dhaanyathpathaye dhana
Dhaanya sumruthim mey dehi dehi thaapaya thaapaya swaahaa
This wonderful mantra is the best mantra to get more and more money. This mantra is to be chanted facing the north. The properly energized Kubera yantra is to be kept at front. This mantra is to be chanted 27 times a day. This mantra is more powerful on the new moon days.
The mantra for Lord Ayyappan
Lord Ayyappan is the son of Lord Shiva and Lord Mahavishnu. By chanting his moola mantra one can have a great peace of mind and have a great name and fame. His mantra is very powerful to remove the evil dhrishtis and to make one free from the sins.
Om Sri Maha Saasthrey Mahadevaya loka karthrey paraathparaaya namaha.
The mantra of Rathi and Manmatha. (to increase the love and affection between the lovers or couples)
Om Namo Bhagavathe kaamadevaya Indraaya vachabhaanaya Indra Chadrabhaanaya klowm kleem Om sammohanaayaas saha vaseekarana bhaanaaya humphat swaahaa. Om namao bhagavathe kamadevaaya sreem sarvajana priyaaya kleem sarvajana sammohanaaya jwala jwala prajwala prajwala hana hana vadha vadha thapa thapa sammohaya sammohaya sarvajanam mey vasam kuru kuru swaahaa.
This mantra is to be chanted either as couple or as individual. The procedure for the chanting this mantra is to be learnt only from Swamiji. The mantra chanting is to be initiated only by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). Consult Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) to know the procedure of chanting this mantra. By the blessings of the Rathi and Manmatha, the couple will have wonderful life.
All these mantras are just a few drops from the ocean of Atharva Veda’s part named Shiva Rudra Thantra. This thantra is also known as “Rudra Yaamala Thantra”. To know more and more about initiation of mantras and to solve your problems spiritually, contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-888-808-1418 or Hindu Temple of
Ohio or email to avtemple@aol.com
The following mantras a few drops from the ocean of Atharva Veda’s part named Vishnu Maalya Thantra. Lord Mahavishnu and his various incarnations are the in charges of these mantras.
This mantra tells about all the ten incarnations of Lord Mahavishnu. It helps us to solve the problems caused by the nine planets.
Om Ramaavatharaha Suryasya Chandrasya Yathunaayakaha
Nrusimho Bhoomi Puthrasya Sowmyas Soma sudhasya cha
Vaamano Vibudhenthrasya Baargavo Bargavasyacha
Koormo Baskara Puthrasya Symhikeyssya Sookaraha
Kethur Meenaavathaarasya ye ke sanyebi kesaraaha.
This mantra is to be chanted for three times in the early morning. By doing so one can easily get the blessings of Lord Mahavishnu’s ten incarnations and solve the problems caused by the nine planets.
Govinda Mantra
The next mantra is the mantra of Lord Mahavishnu in the form of Govinda. The name Govinda means the greatest savior of his devotees. By chanting the following mantra one can have a secured life.
Om kleem Krishnaaya Govindaya Gopeejana vallabhaaya swaahaa.
This mantra is to be chanted for 8times a day in the morning keeping the Govinda Pada yantra in the right palm.
The mantra of Santhana Gopala Krishnan (to get good kids)
The following mantra is to be chanted by the couple together during the morning hours. The proper procedure of chanting this mantra is to be known from Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam)
Devaki sutha Govinda Vasudeva jagatpathay
Dehimey thanayam Krishna twaamaham charanamgatha.
The mantra of Goddess Mahalakshmi (to get good kids)
Om sreem hreem kleem kamala dhaarinyai puthrabagyadhayinyai namaha
This mantra is to be chanted by the couple together during the morning hours. This mantra is to be chanted for 16 times. Milk mixed with honey is to be offered to the Goddess and the same is to be drunk by the couple. The number of chanting and offerings will vary from person to person. Before starting the chanting consult Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam).
The mantra of Goddess Mahalakshmi (to get more and more wealth)
Om sreem hreem kleem Mahalakshmyai kamala dhaarinyai namaha
This mantra is to be chanted at least 36 times a day at the time of sunrise and sunset. By doing this Goddess Mahalakshmi will be very happy and shower good wealth on the devotee.
The mantra of Goddess Mahalakshmi (to get success in court cases and legal litigations)
Om sreem sreem hreem kleem kamala dhaarnyai, sathyai namaha
This mantra is to be chanted six days prior to the case hearing or trials. The person should chant the mantra for 108 times a day. By the blessings of the goddess Mahalakshmi the person can get success.
The mantra for Sri.Radha Devi
Radha Devi is the first lover of Lord Krishna. By chanting her moola mantra the ladies who wish to have their beloved ones as their husband can get their ambitions fulfilled. Radha yantra is to be kept in the right palm while chanting the mantra. This yantra is also the best for the merchants who deal with the articles specially meant for the females. Aromatic natural flowers and sugar candy are to be offered for the goddess.
Om sreem kleem iym Radhadevi Krishna saha mama staley yehyehi
The mantra for Sri.Sudarsana Chakra.
"Sudarsanar" means the person who shows good ways. He gives excellent health always, apart from that he gives very good wealth and long uninterrupted happy living in the world. When Vishnu took "varaaha avathaara" to destroy "hiranyaakshan" he was becoming the "koraipal"(Killing tooth) for Vishnu. He became the Destroying nail for Vishnu to kill "Hiranyan" at the time of "Narasimma Avathaara". He became the kottaari (a kind of weapon to break wood) of the Parasuraamar, and became the "kothandam" of "Lord Rama". The yantra meant to get his fullest blessings is called as "Sudarsana Yantra". The mantra meant to get his fullest blessings is called as "Sudarsana mantra. Sudarsana Yantra initiated with the power of sudarsana homam /havan and with the initiated power of Lord Narsimma would bring excellent ishwaryam to one’s home. The same prevents evil powers like Pilli, soonyam, depression, bad luck in the home and business place. The same avoids unnecessary friction between the couples and in the family. The same gives great energy to acquire beautiful homes and Business and Job. Chanting this moola mantra would make the ishwaryam permanent in our life. The Pooja standards and worshipping the same differs to the planotorial position of each and every one. The same could be discussed with Swamiji personally. The mantra is as follows.
Om kleem krishnaaya govindaaya gopijana vallabaaya paraaya parama-purushaaya paramatmaney. Parakrama mantra yantra thantra aushadha asthra sasthraani samhara samhara. Mruthyor mochaya mochaya. Om namo bagavathe mahaa-sudarsanaaya dheepthrea jwala preethaaya sarvadhik shopakanaraya hum pat bramaane param-jyothishay swaahaa.
The next is the mantra for Garuda.
Garuda is the vehicle of Lord Mahavishnu. It is an eagle or vulture. It is said that, the Garuda darsana (vision of the holy bird) gives enormous times blessings to us. It is the holy bird. The following Mantra is highly powerful to chant and takes away children related stress.
"Kunkumaankitha Varnaaya; kundendhu Dhavalaaya cha
Visnuvaaha Namasthuppyam; Pakshi Raajaya te namaha"
The next mantra is for Sri.Anjaneya.
Anjaneya Swami’s face is monkey shaped. He is an ardent devotee of Lord Rama (the seventh incarnation of Lord Mahavishnu). Anjaneya Swami is the son of Vaayu Bhagawan the wind god. He is the symbol of strength, brave courage, obedience and politeness. By chanting his moola mantra, one can get a great knowledge, strength, name, fame, fearlessness, and wonderful wisdom.
Om namo bhagavathe Rama doothaaya, maha bhalaaya sarva sathru naasanaaya namo namaha.
All the mantras should be chanted with the proper yantras initiated by an Atharva Veda scholar. It is always dangerous to chant the mantras without proper initiation by an Atharva Vedic Swamiji. To know more and more about initiation of mantras and to solve your problems spiritually, contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-888-808-1418 or Hindu Temple of Ohio or email to avtemple@aol.com also visit the websites www.hindutempleofohio.org or www.yogacraft.com |