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Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) is not a Medical Doctor. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) is not a Licensed Physician or Medical Practitioner in USA or anywhere in the World. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) is Not a Licensed pediatrician or Marriage Counselor, Relationship Counselor. He is not an Attorney of any kind. He is not a Psychiatrist or Psychologist. He is the Doctor of Philosophy (Spiritual Science). Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) is a holy spiritual man. He approaches all the problems only through the Spiritual ways that are explained in Atharva Veda. Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar) performs prayers and rituals to the Atharva Veda Yaksha / Yakshini Devathas and he gives Spiritual salvations for all the problems. Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) performs the Atharva Veda Thantric Rituals as per the Atharva Vedic Scriptures. Only if you need the Spiritual way of clearing off the problems you call us. Otherwise you call the professionals to solve your problems in the professional way.

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The information on this web site does not dictate an exclusive course of treatments, protocols or procedures to be followed for any general or specific medical need or any other specific critical situations in any walk of life. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU CONSULT A LICENSED PHYSICIAN or ANY OTHER LICENSED CONSULTANTS prior to the commencing of any spiritual treatments and/or protocols described, advocated, recommended, marketed, promoted or commercialized herein. We approach any or all of your problems strictly through Thantric Rituals referred in the Atharva Veda, where Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar/ Dr Commander Selvam is an authority on the same in the North America. If you would like to solve your problems through Atharva Veda Thantric Rituals/ Prayers, then only call us immediately @ 408 829 7780 ( USA) or USA Toll FREE@ 1-888-808-1418 or otherwise you call your Physicians or any other Emergency Care Services or the Professionals concerned.

“Om Shanthi”

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