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The siddhars are believed to have had powers both major and other ‘minor’ powers. They are explained in detail in various yogic as well as religious texts. As Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar’s Guru Maharaj made him as a spiritual healer and wanted Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar to relieve the human race from their sufferings and problems. He made Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar to concentrate more and more in Atharva Veda. Out of the four Vedas of Hinduism, Atharva Veda is the only Veda, which deals with the application part. It has got two major Thantras and those thantras explain the spiritual ways and means to solve the problems faced by a human being. Atharva Veda’s diagnosis method is Astrology. Even though Astrology is dealt by various saints and scholars, Atharva Veda astrology is the most accurate of all the astrological techniques. Without mastering the diagnosis techniques, none can be a good healer. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar has mastered the art of Atharva Vedic astrology. By7 scrutinizing the horoscope with the Atharva Veda technique one can find the root cause of a problem. Atharva Veda describes about a lot of Yaksha/Yakshini devathas to solve the problems in a spiritual way. It has also classified the spiritual healings into various parts. They are mani,mantra, thantra, yantra, aushadha, asthra and sasthra.

Mani means gemstones. Now a lot of so called astrologers are misusing this wonderful subject and misguiding the innocent human beings. The gemstones should be checked for three “C”. The first “C” is clarity. This shows the purity of the specified gemstone. The second “C” is for cut. If the gemstones are not cut properly the results will be adverse. The third “C” is for carrotage. If the gemstones are not used in the correct weight then also the results will be adverse. Now the so called astrologers use the gemstones as rings to wear on the fingers. According to Atharva Veda it is wrong. The gemstones are to be made as divine images and they are to be energized and worshipped with proper mantras. Then only it will give the exact power. That’s why Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) has procured the rare gemstones and has made them as divine images. He has instructed the sculptors with the timings also.
The second is mantra. Atharva Veda has the wonderful mantras of Yaksha/Yakshini devathas to solve all kinds of problems faced by an individual.

The third is thantra. The proper ways of chanting the proper mantras and proper rituals is called as thantra.
The fourth is yantra. The yantra is a tool to concentrate on a specified divine power. The normal punditjis prescribe only the simple yantras. But swami Sri.Selvam Siddhar has wonderful specialized yantras from Atharva Veda.

The fifth is aushadha. The grammatical meaning of this word aushadha is medicine. But according to Atharva Veda anything that heals either spiritually,verbally or mentally is called as aushadha.
The sixth is asthra. The meaning of the word asthra is weapon. Anything we use to stop the evils is called as asthra. This is one of the speediest parts of the Atharva Veda.

The seventh is sasthra. The meaning of the word sasthra is surgery. The specialized rituals of Atharva Veda are very complicated as surgery and that’s why the Atharva Vedic rituals are called as sasthra.

As an Atharva Vedic scholar Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar has specialized in all these aspects and using all these aspects for the betterment of the entire human race. All kinds of problems can be solved by proper application of either one or all of the aforesaid seven aspects. The following are the powers of Siddhars. They are called as “Ashta maa siddhi”. To become tiny as the atom within the atom is called as Anima. To become big in unshakeable proportions is called as Mahima. To become as light as vapor in levitation is called as Laghima.  To become as heavy as the mountain is called as Garima. To enter into other bodies in transmigration is called as Prapti. To be in all things, omni-pervasive is called as Prakamya.

As an Atharva Vedic scholar Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar has specialized in all these aspects and using all these aspects for the betterment of the entire human race. All kinds of problems can be solved by proper application of either one or all of the aforesaid seven aspects. The following are the powers of Siddhars. They are called as “Ashta maa siddhi”. To become tiny as the atom within the atom is called as Anima. To become big in unshakeable proportions is called as Mahima. To become as light as vapor in levitation is called as Laghima.  To become as heavy as the mountain is called as Garima. To enter into other bodies in transmigration is called as Prapti. To be in all things, omni-pervasive is called as Prakamya.

To be lord of all creation in omnipotence is called as Isatvam and to be everywhere in omnipresence is called as Vasitvam. Only after attaining these eight are the Great Siddhis, or Great Perfections one is called as “Siddhar”. As all these are meant only for the growth of an individual and not for the betterment or upliftment of the human race Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is not using any of these siddhis. To know more and more about Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar and to solve your problems contact Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) @ toll free 1-888-808-1418 or Hindu Temple of  Ohio or email to avtemple@aol.com Please visit the website www.hindutempleofohio.org or www.yogacraft.com

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